Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A practical criticism of Chapter 20 of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

Louis de berniires wrote this chapter in the third person narrative, nonetheless, the narrator does not indicate to us who this ‘wild man of the ice' actually is. We assume that he indeed does know who this man is. The opening of the chapter is quite an idyllic picture created by Pelagia with her mention of seeing, ‘Her first butterfly of the year,' which gives the reader a sense of bliss as well as Pelagia. However, this idyllic picture is shattered in the second chapter as she saw, ‘There was a stranger seated at the kitchen table,' she described the man as, ‘A most horrible and wild stranger who looked worse than the brigands of childhood tales. ‘ This particular sentence indicates to the reader a sense of foreboding. Although, we later find out that this man is Mandras, now neither Pelagia nor we have any idea. This then proves a scenario than many people dread and some can even relate to, coming home and finding a strange in your home. This is a nightmare situation, and although we do not have a detailed description of Pelagia's feelings, the reader would have a good idea of how she felt at that moment. In a way, this is clever by de berniires as he is leaving the reader to become Pelagia and feel the feelings she is feeling. Although, this is only one interpretation of this section, it does seem like an intention of de berniires as he does not go into a lot of detail about Pelagia's feelings now, but in other parts of the book, he does. Following this, de berniires shows us the state that Mandras is in, he uses a lot of very descriptive and quite gruesome images created of Mandras', ‘Suppurating wounds,' and the, ‘reek of rotting flesh. ‘ These images help to create an image of how Mandras may have appeared to Pelagia and do help to prove the fact of why he is unrecognisable to Pelagia. De Berniires has given us a lot of information about Mandras at this point and Pelagia sees very uneasy and she can only say that her, ‘Father's out,' which indicates her level of diffidence. We can also see form Mandras' speech that because of his physical pain he is projecting a sense of mental instability. This could be evident from his short sentences and his bad language. He comes a point of almost breaking down where he is accusing his perpetrators as, ‘Bastards, Bastards,' but Pelagia, although appalled, seems to try and be sensible and not try anything untoward, by just asking him to leave, in not so many words. From this Mandras begins to talk very quickly and he seems very uncomfortable until finally he asks Pelagia to look at his hands. He then, ‘Held them up to her, palm outwards in the gesture that would normally be an insult,' which showed Pelagia the extent of the injuries he had been subject to, which may have made her feel sorry for him. On the other hand, it may just have made her feel unwell. After this, Mandras again begins with his quick-paced narrative. He begins by talking about the way, ‘The ice screams. It shrieks. ‘ This could be a failure of communication of the part of Mandras and an idea of his mind playing tricks on him. This would highlight what the war had done to Mandras, and shows us the situation he was in. It also specifies the kind of physical torture he must have endured. There is also a point that he may have been subject to extremely cold weather and may have lost his fingers to frostbite. This would explain this section of the chapter quite clearly. The sentences are very abrupt and every sentence is almost self-contained. Due to the fact that the sentences are short and sharp and as the sentences are disjointed we can clearly see the madness of Mandras. Following this section, we can see that Pelagia is beginning to get desperate, this desperation if evident in the tone of voice she uses. She wants him to leave and pleads with him. This may or may not be an indication of sorrow and tearfulness. However, when she pleads for him to leave, it does seem to provoke a reaction in Mandras. This reaction is the first response that she has received from him, this could prove to Pelagia that maybe he is not a, ‘Wild man,' and that he is probably a man. On the other hand, Pelagia still has no idea who he is and why he is here in her kitchen. As a result, the narrator then has decided upon the introduction of Psipsina. This is very important and is probably the turning point of the chapter. There is a sudden change in atmosphere and this is an indication of reality being restored. This is introduced by firstly, the realisation that, ‘At least Psipsina remembers me. ‘ This is a very revealing sentence as it brings Pelagia's thought to a different place. It makes her wonder who this man actually is. Pelagia knows how, ‘Psipsina was afraid of strangers,' and this begged the question form her about, ‘how did this ghastly ruin know her name? ‘ Although these questions seem inconsiderate, she suddenly had a thought of maybe this was her beloved Mandras. This may have seemed like a very good guess, but it also may have been something she was always thinking in the back of her mind. Although she kept calling him, ‘ghastly,' and, ‘wild,' she may have been only saying these things to try and block out the truth. This could be described as a manipulation of her mind and could be a disguise for her anger towards Mandras. This anger would be because Mandras went and got badly injured, which is an idea that some people adopt as it could be a reckless thing for them to do. In this case is it could also be that Pelagia was calling him so many different things to block out any possibility of it being Mandras. When Mandras realises that Pelagia has recognised her, he describes how he has, ‘got lice,' and how he, ‘Shat himself when a bomb fell,' which specifies how maybe all he wants is to be with her, but he does not want to subject her to all the troubles he has been victim to. This provides an answer as to why he did not to tell her who he was straight away. Subsequent to finding out about Mandras, Pelagia then begins questioning him about why, ‘You never wrote to me,' which is an accusation that Mandras can only answer truthfully by telling Pelagia that he, ‘Can't write. ‘ This is a new idea introduced by de berniires and does make Pelagia think of why he had not tried other things like, ‘couldn't someone else have written for you? ‘ We now see an element of Pelagia as a young immature girl and Mandras as a mature person. Where before Pelagia had realised it was Mandras, these roles were reversed. The maturity of Mandras could be associated with the things he has faced in war, and now that he is able to talk, he beings to apologise and explain. Mandras is further depicted by the narrator as, ‘An infinity of fatigue,' which is connected with his eyes, but could well be a generalisation for his whole body at this moment. We see his frailty being embellished as, ‘He tried to steady his cup to drink, failed, and put it down on the table. ‘ This reminds us simply that he is severely injured even though he is know talking instead of the painful silence and very disjointed sentences spoken earlier in the chapter. Furthermore, this provokes Pelagia to ask about the letters she had sent to him. Mandras, ‘Fumbled inside his clothing and drew out a huge and bedraggled packet bound together with tripwire. ‘ It showed to Pelagia that he had indeed received the letters, but he then stated that he, ‘Couldn't read them,' which would have made Mandras seem very inferior, but he now seems more powerful and this illiteracy does not seem to dumb him down that much. However, Pelagia then tries to take control by not reading the letters to Mandras when he asked her to, ‘Even if it's too late. This creates a sense of longing and makes us have pity toward him, but rather than Pelagia pitying him, she takes control by saying that she will read them, ‘Later. ‘ This is ironic as later Mandras forces her to read them to him, which gives he may think gives him back his control. However, the fact that Pelagia can read and he cannot still gives her the power over him. After all th is has gone on Mandras simply fondles Psipsina and thinks that, ‘Only the animals know me. ‘ Yet, it seems that Pelagia does know take pity of him as she sits with him and comforts him at the end of the chapter. The way Mandras, ‘Buried his face in his hands and began to rock like an injured child,' does point to a very scared and lonely position. People who want to shut themselves out form the world and live in a world of their own adopt this position. Therefore, Pelagia notices this and tries to comfort him, and maybe succeeds in letting Mandras know that she will be there for him. This would have made him feel that he is not alone and even though he is physically repulsive, Pelagia is more interested in his feelings more.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Significant Was Slave Trade in the Growth of the British Empire

Mahfuz Chowdhury How Significant Was Slave Trade in the Growth of the British Empire in the Years c. 1680-1763? I agree to some extent that slavery played a significant role in the growth of the British Empire in the years 1680-1763. This is because slavery allowed the British to import a high amount of goods that were in demand such as sugar and tobacco which generated profits for plantation owners especially as slave labour was cheap. The slave trade was mainly involved in two key aspects: the growth of the sea trade and maintenance of existing settlements.Even though slavery was considered of great importance, there were other key factors involved with the expansion of the British Empire . Trading companies traded slaves and goods produced by slaves. The tax collected helped to fund the navy which protected trade and played an important role in war. So along with the trading companies; the Government; Royal Navy and War, were all factors that played an important part in the growth of the empire. Trade was one of the main key factors that allowed the British Empire to increase and grow steadily.This trading routine was the beginning of the Empire and from all the joint stock companies formed, Britain allowed its Empire to grow in profits and increase in size. The slave trade played a major role in the growth of seaborne commerce mainly across the Atlantic seas. The use of slavery helped the British a vast amount by bringing in increased profits and goods that were on demand such as cotton, tobacco and sugar. There was a triangular trade where a three point voyage took place. This helped Britain gain prosperity and wealth and also a monopoly on the Atlantic. By 1720, they had ‘transported 100,000 Africans, exported ? 1. million worth of goods and imported 30,000 tons of sugar’. 1 The growth of the British Empire was focused on seaborne trade. Therefore, they concentrated on the Atlantic trade. Britain would trade goods with African colonies for sl aves. The slaves were then traded in the Caribbean and North America to work on plantations. The goods produced were returned to Britain. As a result, slavery played an important role in helping trade and the growth of the British Empire. Slave trade and trading companies are linked. Joint stock companies such as the Royal African Company and the East India Company were mainly the most dominant companies in trade.The Royal African Company was the biggest British slave trade company. It began in 1672 after the failure of The Royal Adventurers of Africa due to interlopers and not rising up to its expected standards. It was created with the intention of making a huge profit from slave trade. The demand for slaves was high because it was considered that African slaves were used to the conditions of plantations in the Caribbean. Furthermore, because of high death rates and infant mortality, ‘the supply of slaves†¦needed regular replenishment’. Also slave labour was seen as the best form of labour as it didn’t require the workers to be paid which meant larger profits for plantation owners. In addition slave owners were able to force them to work long hours in harsh conditions. As mentioned earlier, slave trade was highly profitable because by 1720, they had ‘transported 100,000 Africans, exported ? 1. 5 million worth of goods and imported 30,000 tons of sugar’. 3 The Royal African Company became a monopoly and its profits and fortunes rose immensely from the other goods (like sugar) they imported too. However, just like The Royal Adventurers, the company’s James Walvin, Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire, Blackwell Publishing, 2001, pg 31 2 Kenneth Morgan, Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy 1660-1800, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pg 10 3 James Walvin, Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire, Blackwell Publishing, 2001, pg 31 Page | 1 Mahfuz Ahmad Chowdhury AA45161 History profits had been inte rfered by interlopers and they went out of business. Despite the Royal African Company ending, it put an end to foreign monopoly. By joining the slave trade, it helped British trading companies maintain its dominance.The British had supremacy over Africa which simulated exploration for new raw materials and food articles. This dominance helped bring a vast amount of profits in and therefore help the growth of the British Empire. The trading companies were crucial to the growth of the British Empire especially after 1688. In 1688 ‘The Glorious Revolution’ took place. The Dutch William of Orange replaced James II on the throne. This was very useful to the East India Company because they were unsuccessful in the East as their Dutch rivals were doing better than them.But with the new king, ‘a deal was done which effectively gave Indonesia and the spice trade to the Dutch, leaving the English to develop the new Indian textiles trade’. 4 This proved to be a good deal for the East India Company because by 1720 they had generated more profit than the Dutch. In relation to slavery, the East India Company played a small role in the transportation and use of slaves. Despite not using slaves, they were successful. For instance in Bengkulu, the East India Company was ‘regularly sending between 453,600 and 907,200 kgs per year to London’. This is important in highlighting the fact that trade would was successful without slaves. It also corroborates that trade was an important factor in the growth of the British Empire. Prior to 1688, the government also played a crucial role by passing laws to protect British overseas trade. A series of 29 laws were passed between 1645 and 1761 and were known as the Navigation Act. These were laws that ‘forbade goods being imported into England if they were not carried in English or colonial ships’. 6 In other words, the government was ‘confining the benefits of empire to the state a nd its own subjects’. This meant Britain received trade from colonies even if other countries offered a higher price. As a result, the economy was boosted. By limiting ships and crews to being British, skilled seamen were created which then allowed the navy to become a powerful and dominant sea power. These acts were pivotal in the success of trade at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century. Furthermore, the government set up its own bank called the Bank of England. The creation of the Bank of England led to a stronger of the Royal Navy because of the virtuous cycle. People invested in the Bank of England with a promise of a return.The government then spent that money on the navy. This protected the transportation of trade and trading ports during times of war. This was especially important as Britain was focused on slave trade across the Atlantic. Taxes collected from the trade were then used to pay investors their money back. In addition, trading companies mad e more profit. All of this had positive knock on effects on other industries such as agriculture, iron, carpenters and many more. From 1689 – 1714, the number of ships increased from 100 to 131 and the number of cruisers increased from 8 to 66.This was essential in the growth of the British Empire. 4 Niall Ferguson, Empire, Penguin books, 2004, pg 23 5 http://www. britishempire. co. uk/maproom/benkulen. htm 6 www. sagehistory. net/colonial/topics/navacts. htm 7 Kenneth Morgan, Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy 1660-1800, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pg 10 Page | 2 Mahfuz Ahmad Chowdhury AA45161 History Not only did it protect trade which brought more wealth, it aided victory in major battles. For instance in 1707, the navy defeated the French at sea. Consequently, Britain went on to become the greatest navy.Moreover, it opened up new trade routes and brought Britain more colonies. War is another key reason for the expansion of the Empire. The main war was t he War of Spanish Succession which ended in 1713 with the Treaty of Utrecht. The treaty gave Britain land such as Gibraltar and Canada. These new colonies meant that Britain was able to export new products. The new plantations also meant that there was a higher demand of slaves which Britain provided helping to generate more profit. Crucially though, from the French, they gained the Asiento – a contract with Spain to supply its South American colonies with slaves.A third major trading company was given a royal charter to trade in South America; the South Sea Company. It was known to ‘help British wealth creation considerably and too boost British power’. 8 The request from Britain for the Asiento in the treaty signifies the importance of slave trade to the growth of the empire. In conclusion, slave trade was crucial in the growth of the British Empire to some extent. But without trading companies, slaves couldn’t have been traded. Nor could goods produced by slaves be exported.In addition the government and its navigation acts helped trading companies reduce competition with other countries. The Navy was important in winning wars and protecting trade. It helped gain the Asiento by winning the War of Spanish Succession. Bibliography †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ G. Raudzens, Empire, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1999 J. Walvin, Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire, Blackwell Publishing, 2001 K Morgan, Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy 1660-1800, Cambridge University Press, 2000 N. Ferguson, Empire, Penguin books, 2004 8 George Raudzens, Empire, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1999, pg139 Page | 3

Monday, July 29, 2019

With the on-going war against terror, now is not the time for the Essay

With the on-going war against terror, now is not the time for the government to reduce the size of the Air Force - Essay Example According to current plans, the American Air Force is set to be reduced in size by 20,000 personnel. Such a reduction would mean a decrease of almost 30% in numeric strength and weaken the Air Force considerably. The war we are fighting today means having the ability to drop soldiers into combat hot zones, provide them with terrain information, air cover and bring them back home once an operation is complete (Wikipedia, 2006). All these functions demand that we keep a capable and strong Air Force which would be very difficult to have with a third of the Air Force seeking jobs elsewhere. It can be said that a reduction in the armed forces overall would be good for peace and prosperity of the nation as a whole, but it is not correct to say that now is the right time to take such actions. The concept of war is indeed a concept of suffering and there is no argument on the point that when we are at peace we would have little need for a huge Air Force. However, at the present moment, we are not at peace therefore a reduction in the Air Force is simply illogical. Additionally, the war we are fighting is different from any other in our history and we have to develop new tools as well as techniques to take on a hidden enemy who strikes from the shadows. Without our Air Force at full strength, such a task would be difficult if not impossible. After the end of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union, America barely had time to enjoy its status as the sole superpower in the world because of the changing geopolitical scenarios. In fact, the current situation shows that America is more involved in protecting its foreign interests than it has been at any point in history (Wikipedia, 2006). However, to expect that America can offer protection to its allies and friends by simply exerting diplomatic force is unrealistic. War is often inevitable and small

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Reflection of My Mother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

A Reflection of My Mother - Essay Example We all knew he loved us but he wasn’t a very affectionate person that always gave out hugs and kisses. Before I knew it, I was the official babysitter, watching my own sister and brothers, feeling like the mother goose. Growing up with a lot of responsibility, I was brought up to be resourceful and to never waste food. Being a middle-class family, my mom was a little frugal and taught us to make goals and to stick to them. I was very involved in sports to stay out of trouble and planned around my sister and brothers functions so that we can all be home together at the same time. She also told us to never take pity on ourselves for the cards we have dealt; it happened, so now we should move on. We all learned to have respect for the elders and to help one another. I benefited from my childhood because it, and my parents, helped to set the foundation for the person I wanted to be when I grew up. I watched and studied how my parents, especially my mother, handled things and lived her life, and I strived to be just like her. I figured that if she could do a good job being the person that she was, then I could be the same way. The love that she had for others really inspired me to be just as loving and as giving. Today, I have two children of my own, a daughter who is seven and a son who is eight years old and they both demand a lot of my attention. With all the years of training I received when I was younger, it just seems to come naturally to me. I work hard, apply myself and volunteer to help others. I do not always have the time, but I do try to make time. Another important quality I find in myself is that I do care for everyone, family or strangers. I volunteer to donate blood/platelets to help the people and cancer patients who need it. I sometimes find myself crying in front of the television over a commercial, feeling so happy or sad for that person.  Ã‚  

Marxist Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marxist Theory - Essay Example The developed world acquired its wealth through the use of cheap production material. In addition, labor costs were cheap. No efforts were made to cater for the needs of employees, forced labor and hard work by the slaves led to economic materialism and wealth enjoyed by most western states (Trainer, 2010). The capitalist determines the fate of the proletariat. Laws have been instituted to ensure that the proletariat works effectively in meeting the demands of the capitalist. Wages, working hours, and working conditions are determined by the capitalists. According to Marxists, the society is divided into primitive, slave, feudal and capitalist. In addition, there are the proletariat and bourgeoisie (capitalists). It is the capitalists who own and decide the destiny of other â€Å"sub-structure† of the society. The production resources are manipulated and controlled by the capitalists. The proletariat exists to work and acquire wealth for the capitalists. Dominant ideas from the elite (bourgeoisie) were used in achieving material wealth. Importantly, elements within the society such as education, law, and morality were determined by the economic situation of a given state Means of production include slave labor, technology, and machines. The means of production are used to produce goods and services for the capitalists. Without means of production, capitalists and modern states cannot achieve their economic objectives. Slavery was particularly used in the United States to acquire wealth and industrial development. Relations of production is defined as the social organization of production. In particular, it refers to individuals who own the productive forces and how they manipulate them to achieve their objectives. For example, the capitalists forced slaves to work for them. In the current society, human beings are forced to work for a certain

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Welfare Benefits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Welfare Benefits - Research Paper Example Although it was meant to help members of the American society deal with the crisis, which was affecting them at the time, many of its opponents believed that what it proposed was socialism; something that they believed was not in line with the American way of life. During this period, the greater part of women and people from minority groups in American society were excluded from getting any remuneration from the unemployment insurance and pensions for the elderly. In recent times, however, there have been reforms to the program and each state has its own welfare system according to the needs of its people. Since its inception, the provisions of welfare have been changing often due to the worries brought about by the situations of the economy as well as the changing roles of gender and the integration of minority groups into the American mainstream. During the 1950s, there were debates that focused more on how adequate coverage could be provided, moving away from the focus on which g roups of occupation could be included, as had been done before. Since then all the changes in Social Security have been attempts to bring about a balance between the provision of adequate protection as well as the promotion of equality while providing this security (Beland, 2008). When the original Social Security Act is compared to those of European countries during the same period, one will find that it does not include the range of programs that had been developed in these countries. This is because when this Act was formulated, it was done with the anticipation that any additional programs of social insurance and income support would be put in place later. Examples of such expected extensions are the providing of benefits for spouses and children, which was passed in 1939 and the passing of programs of assistance and insurance for the disabled people in the 1950s. The development of programs in other areas took more of a problem-solving and incremental approach. Hence, the Medic are and Medicaid programs were endorsed in 1965 as a response to specific medical care needs of the elderly in society and the professed insufficiency of medical care under public support (Social Security Bulletin, 2006). The introduction of the Food Stamp program in 1964 and its later extensive growth came as a response to the evidence that there was persistent hunger and malnutrition in some groups within the population despite the fact that the society was generally affluent. The Supplemental Security Income program was introduced in 1974 as a national minimum income guarantee for those people who were aged, blind, and disabled in society and this was to counteract the differences in the advantage levels and eligibility values appropriate to these people under the assistance programs. The Food Stamp program is available to individuals and families who are eligible for payments under the Supplemental Security Income Program and to those deprived persons and families who are not su itable for the latter program. Another characteristic of the development of social welfare policy in the United States is the considerable degree of decentralization that is displayed and a mechanism for this is the federal system of government, which divides responsibility among the federal, state, and local governments. Some of these programs are funded and administered by the federal government alone; others involve only the state, with or without the involvement of local governments; and finally, others involve all three levels of government. This federal structure serves three main purposes in this welfare policy and these are the dispersal of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Marketing Communications - Essay Example The strategy and organization of the advertising campaign is what determines the success of a business as it works as a tool of communication for those who are looking for specific products or services. Not only does advertising work in any economy, but it also provides a basis for whether a business can succeed or fail within their given community. The history of advertising is one that notes techniques and tools that remain consistent. At times, these become renamed as specific theories or innovations. However, the changes with advertising campaigns are essentially based on changes in tools available and through the new avenues used to reach others. The essence of advertising has remained the same, which is to use different forms of media to communicate to others about a service or product. Advertising first became popular in Britain in the 1870s and was defined as a business finding prospective customers who could turn into clients. As the industrial age began to form, new advertising forms and options for communicating to customers also became popular, specifically because of the quantity of products which began to develop. An example of this development in the 1890s came from Pinkhams who hired the first advertising agent. In 10 years, the campaigns that were produced cost an average of 44% of revenue for the company; howe ver, the increase in the company went up by 2500%. Other businesses in the same arena began to go out of business from this concept, which pushed many into the need to have advertising available (Fox, 20). The concept of advertising then changed from a basic formula of communicating with customers to having a specific advertising individual working in the office. By the mid – 1900s, there were advertising individuals who were in offices, specifically to create ads for newspapers and later on TVs. The transformation of businesses was one that began to rely on advertising to increase profits and to find new formulas to reaching

Thursday, July 25, 2019

AAA servers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AAA servers - Essay Example Authentication is suitable for user identification, typically by having the user enter a valid password and username before access is . The authentication process enables each user to have unique criteria for gaining access to the computer. The AAA compares other user credentials within the database to the authentication credentials. The user is only granted access when the credentials match with one another. Authentication fails when the credentials are at variance, and the access is (Choi, Jung & Jang, 2007). After authentication, a user has to be authorized (authorization) to perform a certain task. The user may try to issue the command after logging into the system. Authorization is the process of determining the qualities or the types of resources, activities and services that a user is permitted to undertake. Accounting measures the resources that a user utilizes during access. It comprises the amount of data and time that a user has spends or used (Lopez-Fernandez et al., 2014). Bu is using the server the company can control access to information and data while at the same time keep record of the time and resources spent by the user. The motive authentication, authorization and accounting server addresses roaming partnerships, complex resource sharing and integration of disparate technologies such as Wi-Fi, LTE, DSL, GPON and small cell. The server delivers extended functionality for the deployment of blended multimedia services, wireless LANs and other networks supporting fixed mobile roaming. The server is beneficial to the organization since it supports unlimited numbers of subscribers having many configurations (Zaghloul & Jukan, 2009). Choi, H., Jung, C., & Jang, Y. 2007. Design and Implementation of User Authentication and Authorization System based on Remote Management Server for Home Network. The KIPS Transactions:Partd, 14D(5), 545-554. doi:10.3745/kipstd.2007.14-d.5.545 Lin, P., Cheng, S., & Liao, W. 2009.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leisure and Tourism Maqnagement Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Leisure and Tourism Maqnagement Project - Essay Example Knowledge of how customers of events industry use social media is necessary so that effective use of the channel of social media can be made possible. The research is based on identifying these patterns and impacts so that the social media can be used as an effective promotional tool. The paper is developed with exploratory research design based on analysis of information and facts. The combination of the survey questionnaire and literature review is used to explore the qualitative perspective of the research. The paper finds out that the social media has huge impact on how the events industry of UK conducts the marketing and promotion of the media. However, blind following of the trend to use social media does not lead to effective results. It is necessary to have a two way communication and understand the nature of the customer relevant to the particular industry. Contents Abstract 2 Research Question 5 Significance of the research 5 Aims and objectives 5 Structure of the report 6 Literature review 6 Research Methodology 10 Research Methods 10 Sampling 11 Data analysis approach 11 Findings and Data Analysis 11 Discussion in relation to literature review 17 Evaluation of the outcome 18 Conclusion and recommendations 19 References 21 Introduction Social media has become an important part of the day-to-day life of people. People especially youngsters spend a significant amount of time exploring social media and its applications. Due to the increasing importance of social media in lives of people, the corporate field also understands the potential of this media in terms of utilizing it as the form of marketing tool in advertising (Smith and Zook 2011). Today, many companies are promoting their products and services through presence on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. It is rivalling the traditional forms of media and consumes a large portion of the time of people. The reach of this form of media has even extended to the social rituals that mo st people cherish. In general, it has implications for the events industry as well. The industry ought to capitalize on the trends of social media so as to remain relevant. The social media trends also present new opportunities for the events industry so as to thrive well in the competitive environment and move forward (Smith and Zook 2011). The UK events industry is worth 36 billion pounds and it presents an opportunity for the country to be the business destination of choice at the global level. Due to the rise in the growth of the events industry of UK with the recent example of conducting the event of Olympic and Paralympics games event in 2012, it is evident that the industry requires much more marketing tools that have vast reach to people and attract them. The rapid growth of the industry demands equally effective marketing tool for giving the push to the growth and the success (Thorley 2010). Research Question The research question for the study is as follows: How social med ia impacts the UK events industry? What are the implications of the explosion in social media use on the events industry in the UK, as they pertain specifically to the way the industry markets itself and provides services to its customers? Significance of the research The growth of the events industry of UK has compelled the professionals in the industry to make use of such marketing tools for advertising that can attract a large number of audiences and has a vast reach. The rising use of social media and its strong existence in the routine life of people has

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A supervisory report on a half day study session of Hypno-birthing Essay

A supervisory report on a half day study session of Hypno-birthing - Essay Example This opportunity was then transformed into a structured project that was to organise a study session for midwives on the subject. Background / context The advent of choice agenda has seen women chose hypnobirthing as a method for pain relief. Hypnobirthing is the process of hypnosis during birth as a way of managing pain and remaining calm during labour. Research on the subject has shown that babies can be delivered without drugs safely and that couples today can look forward to a beautiful, calm and serene birthing experience, where mother, baby and birthing companion combine in joyful bonding. Hypnobirthing is said to enable women to have a positive, calm more comfortable experience of childbirth. This trend is raising and it can be asserted that health professional may have less knowledge about this rising trend. The maternity services need midwives who can respond flexibly within an environment focused on women - centred care (Thomas, 2008). However, research on hypnosis and its use intrapartum is scanty. A quest in about 8 Trusts to find out if they had a guideline yielded to not. The NMC and RCM websites were searched for any position statements on the subject nil was found. A Cochrane library search (February 2011), MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL realised only 1 research whose results was as follows; women taught self-hypnosis had decreased requirements for pharmacological analgesia (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.79, five trials 749 women) including epidural analgesia (RR 0.30, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.40. Acupuncture and hypnosis may be beneficial for the management of pain during labour; however, the number of women studied has been small. The Trust system does not monitor the use of hypnosis as pain relief despite women using it however, acupuncture is monitored. Recently the daily telegraph (2011), reported that the National Health Service (NHS) launched an 18-month study of ‘‘hypnobirthing’’ to try to cut the use of epidurals and other pai nkillers during childbirth – six out of 10 mothers in some hospitals rely on expensive drugs and this has resurrected an old debate. Is intense pain unavoidable, or is it triggered by fear and tension? Multicentre pragmatic exploratory non-blinded randomised controlled trial (SHIP trail), at Central Lancashire University and involving more than 800 women will investigate self-hypnosis techniques for intrapartum pain management which induces a deep sense of relaxation. Interestingly, to note is the fact that NHS despite the financial difficulties it is facing (Kings Fund) is committed to the choice agenda, hypnobirthing could be one of the answers to save the NHS and to improve the lives of women and babies. According to Salvage, Health services in the UK are facing major challenges in a context of drastic public funding. Salvage (2011) wonders how the choice agenda be upheld in this turbulent times. Hypnobirthing could be an answer in reduction of intervention like use of epi dural, reduction in caesareans sections and increase in normal birth. Hence the need to understand this model as well as having agreed pathways of how it is to be managed. There is a choice: SoMs and midwives could be passive or to try to lead and influence change. Our accountability as well as our contribution as midwives is to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethical Issues in Businesses Today Essay Example for Free

Ethical Issues in Businesses Today Essay Ethical issues in businesses today There are a million ethical issues in todays businesses and unfortunately there is no perfect decision measurement for all these ethical issues in business. The ethical issues in international businesses are much more complicated and much more delicate, along with being tenfold in numbers. According to Wiley (1995), ethics is concerned with moral obligation, responsibility, and social Justice. She goes on to say that ethics reflects the character of the individual and more con temporarily per haps, the character of the business firm, which is a collection of individuals. Mauro et all, 1999) It is evident that ethics play such a crucial role in businesses if we consider the instances like the Enron companys ethical break down. Not only in Enron, but Dilemmas involving discrimination, harassment, fraud, contractual breaches, favouritism and consistent policies regarding pay, rewards and discipline are common occurrences in many organizations. (Hartel, C. E. J, Fujimoto, Y, 2010) Industry Wide Ethical Issues in Business Following is a list of industry wide ethical issues in businesses. The problem with these ethical issues in business is that they are not only really routine and frequent ut they are also more wide-spread Bribing powerful officials in order to get bids and tenders accepted and bribing competitor employees to get informational leaks is a serious ethical issue in business. In fact, it is a crime that is legally punishable in most countries today. Labor related issues like gender discrimination at workplace, employee harassment, minority community participation, working conditions and child labor are also some general ethical issues in busines

Metaphysical Poets Essay Example for Free

Metaphysical Poets Essay The term metaphysical poets was coined by the poet and critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, whose work was characterized by the inventive use of conceits, and by speculation about topics such as love or religion. These poets were not formally affiliated; most of them did not even know or read each other (Wikipedia). Their work is a blend of emotion and intellectual ingenuity, characterized by conceit or â€Å"wit†Ã¢â‚¬â€that is, by the sometimes violent yoking together of apparently unconnected ideas and things so that the reader is startled out of his complacency and forced to think through the argument of the poem. Metaphysical poetry is less concerned with expressing feeling than with analyzing it, with the poet exploring the recesses of his consciousness. The boldness of the literary devices used—especially obliquity, irony, and paradox—is often reinforced by a dramatic directness of language and by rhythms derived from that of living speech. Esteem for Metaphysical poetry never stood higher than in the 1930s and ’40s, largely because of T.S. Eliot’s influential essay â€Å"The Metaphysical Poets† (1921), a review of Herbert J.C. Grierson’s anthology Metaphysical Lyrics Poems of the Seventeenth Century. In this essay Eliot argued that the works of these men embody a fusion of thought and feeling that later poets were unable to achieve because of a â€Å"dissociation of sensibility,† which resulted in works that were either intellectual or emotional but not both at once. In their own time, however, the epithet â€Å"metaphysical† was used pejoratively: in 1630 the Scottish poet William Drummond of Hawthornden objected to those of his contemporaries who attempted to â€Å"abstrac t poetry to metaphysical ideas and scholastic quiddities.† At the end of the century, John Dryden censured Donne for affecting â€Å"the metaphysics† and for perplexing â€Å"the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy when he should engage their hearts . . . with the softnesses of love.† Samuel Johnson, in referring to the learning that their poetry displays, also dubbed them â€Å"the metaphysical poets,† and the term has continued in use ever since. Eliot’s adoption of the label as a term of praise is arguably a better guide to his personal aspirations about his own poetry than to the Metaphysical poets themselves; his use of metaphysical underestimates these poets’ debt to lyrical and socially engaged verse. Nonetheless, the term is useful for identifying the often-intellectual character of their writing (Encyclopedia Britannica). Without doubt Samuel Johnsons choice of the word metaphysical to describe the followers of Donne was directly influenced by these earlier usages (the Clevel and passage is quoted in Johnsons Dictionary of 1755 to illustrate the definition of ‘Metaphysicks’). The category of poetry that indulged in metaphysics was a live one for later seventeenth-century poets, but for them metaphysics was a word used to mark the point at which strongly argued verse bordered on self-parody. There is more value than this, however, in the group name. Even in the earlier seventeenth century members of the core group of metaphysical poets were connected by a number of social, familial, and literary ties. Izaak Walton relates that Donne and George Herbert enjoyed ‘a long and dear friendship, made up by such a Sympathy of inclinations, that they coveted and joyed to be in each others Company’ (Walton, 57–8). Donne addressed poems to Herberts mother, Magdalen, and preached her funeral sermon, as well as writing a poem to Herberts brother, Edward, Lord Herbert. Herbert of Cherbury in turn read both Donnes poetry and that of his own brother with care, and was a friend of Thomas Carew and Aurelian Townshend. Henry Wotton was the addressee of epi stles in both verse and prose from his close friend John Donne, and at one point intended to write a life of Donne. Henry King (whose father ordained John Donne) was in daily contact with Donne at St Pauls Cathedral, where the older poet was dean while King was chief residentiary. Donne bequeathed to King a portrait of himself dressed in his winding-sheet. Not surprisingly Kings verse is haunted by that of his friend, from whom he received manuscripts, as well as books and themes for sermons. Later in the century there were other close groupings of poets, who, although not linked by direct personal familiarity with Donne and Herbert, were bound to each other by ties of family, friendship, and literary consanguinity. Thomas Stanley was a cousin of Richard Lovelace and the nephew of William Hammond, and became a friend of John Hall, one of the most underrated of the minor metaphysical poets. Cowley was a friend and eventually elegist of Richard Crashaw. Pockets of metaphysicality also survived in several institutions: it cannot be an accident that Henry King, Abraham Cowley, Thomas Randolph, William Cartwright, and John Dryden all attended Westminster School. But by the later seventeenth century the bonds of friendship and affinity that had linked Donne and Herbert were in the main replaced by looser ties of literary indebtedness. Declaratory utterances to imagined or absent addressees who are summoned into being by the force of the speakers eloquence are common among poems by members of these networks, as are works that explore the balance and imbalance between the demands of the body and the spirit. Direct attempts to persuade, either through comparisons or through arguments that self-consciously display their logical elisions, are also among the most evident legacies left by Donne to his poetical heirs. No single one of these elements constitutes a metaphysical style, and it would also be wrong to suppose that all of them must be present in a given poem for it to be regarded as belonging to the tradition. It is also incorrect to believe that a poet who sometimes wrote poems in a metaphysical manner was always and in every poem a metaphysical. The metaphysical style was various. It also changed in response to historical events. Donnes Poems and Herberts The Temple were both posthumously printed in 1633. Those publications immediately extended the literary communities of their authors through time and space, and the fact that both volumes were posthumous had a significant effect on the kind of influence they exerted. Donne and Herbert rapidly became models for imitation, but they could also be regarded as ideal representatives of an age that had passed. Imitation of them could therefore become an act not just of nostalgia, but of politically or theologically motivated nostalgia—as occurs most notably and heavy-handedly in the high Anglican pastiches of Herbert included in The Synagogue by Christopher Harvey, which was regularly bound with The Temple after 1640. In the political and ecclesiastical upheavals of the 1640s the metaphysical style moved on. Imitating Herbert in particular could signal a desire to resist the depredations suffered by the English church during the civil war. Richard Crashaws Steps to the Temple (1646) explicitly links itself by its title to Herberts volume. The editions of 1646 and 1648 include ‘On Mr. G. Herberts Booke’, which declares ‘Divinest love lyes in this booke’. Henry Vaughans preface to the second volume of Silex scintillans (1655) ascribes to Herberts influence his conversion from writing secular poems, and he marks the debt by adopting the titles of several poems by Herbert for his own works. By the second part of Silex these allusions to Herbert carried a political charge, intimating Vaughans resistant attitude to the forcible ejection of conservatively minded ministers from churches in his native Wales by commissioners acting under the parliamentary ordinance for the propagation of the gospel. The gradual replacement of networks of closely connected individuals by relationships between dead authors and their readers is perhaps a central reason for the emergence of metaphysics (in the pejorative sense) in later seventeenth-century verse. The two later poets stigmatized by Johnson as ‘metaphysical’, Cleveland and Cowley, knew Donne only as a voice in a book. Efforts to reanimate that voice often show signs of strain. But the move from personal to textual connection between members of the group did not always have undesirable consequences. Andrew Marvell, who ever since John Aubreys ‘Brief life’ has tended to be regarded as an isolated figure in the literary landscape, has perhaps the most distinctive poetic voice of any member of the group. By describing pastoral figures with wounded or sullied innocence who argue perplexedly about their own fate and the unattainability of their own desires, Marvell transformed the metaphysical style into an idiom appropriate for a period of political division and national crisis. He was not entirely disconnected from its other practitioners: he was at Trinity College, Cambridge, at the same time as Abraham Cowley, and he wrote a commemorative poem for Henry, Lord Hastings, in Lacrymae musarum (1649), a volume that included poems by Dryden as well as John Hall. He and Hall were both among those who composed dedicatory poems for Richard Lovelaces Lucasta (1648). Like Cleveland, Marvell owed his reputation in the later part of his career largely to his political and satirical poems, but his posthumously published Miscellaneous Poems (1681) shows that a reader of earlier metaphysical verse who actively responded to his changing times could transform the idiom of his predecessors (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography). Works cited Colin Burrow, ‘Metaphysical poets (act. c.1600–c.1690)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online edn, Oxford University Press, Feb 2009 [, accessed 5 Aug 2012] Encyclopedia Britannica Wikipedia

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Toys R Us: Overview and analysis

Toys R Us: Overview and analysis Toys R Us is a chain store specialized in toys, created in 1948 in the United States of America by Charles Lazarus. The company has been bought in 2006 by American and English investment funds (KKR, Bain Capital Partners LLC and Vornado Reality Trust). Today, there are 1566 stores all around the world. We can count 849 stores which are implanted in its origin country that is to say is the USA and 717 stores in 34 others countries. The company is the world leader and owns the biggest store of toys on Times Square in New York with 10 000 m ². ToysRUs has been developed in France in 1989 and we can count today 42 stores which Paris la Dà ©fense store is the biggest ToysRUs of Europe. On the French market, the company is also the leader of the distribution of games/toys and detains 13.2% of the toy market share. ToysRUs leadership is due to its staffs passion, its daily commitment toward its customers and its ability to be sensitive to its employees needs like training and such. Furthermore, there is a strong team spirit and human relationship which is simple and user-friendly. The following part is based on the information you can find on the official website of the brand. ( Key figures ToysR Us France: 42 stores Average area sales store: 2600m ² More than 10 000 references More than 500 suppliers 1524 employees Toys R Us developed its innovative own brand in each universe. For instance, the most popular are Bruin (first age toys and childcare articles), FastLane (boys toys), You Me (Dolls), Just like Home (kitchen), Stats (outdoor toys) and Universe of Imagination (creative play). ToysRUs Missions: Toys RUs has to offer the family a full range of toys, leisure and childcare in a magic universe. Its priorities are about children, customers, staffs, grow and make people grown. ToysRUs its choice: indeed the company propose a variety of articles which correspond to peoples needs ToysRUs its novelty: the company anticipate childrens requests and needs in order to offer them products which follow trends, the news, and the environment. ToysRUs its advice and expertise: with 50 years of experience in the world, and 20 years in France, ToysRUs has developed its expertise on the field by selecting toys up-stream and giving advice with a goal of childrens happiness. ToysRUs its service: the company pays attention to customers satisfaction. ToysRUs tries to offer services adapted to children and parents. For instance service birth list, loan strollerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Toys RUs Values: PASSION Because we love our profession and we work to serve children. TEAM SPIRIT Because complicity exists with our customers but also with our teams. COMMITMENT Because we have the choice of products and the quality service for children is something important. CONFIDENCE Because relationship with our customers is based on a real knowledge of our products. RESPONSIBILITY Because our wish is to share something together: childrens welfare. Those values are the official ones set by the firm. ToysRUs Strategy: The company strategy is focused on service and especially on toys selection. ToysRUs always tries to anticipate on the trend and locks its orders before its competitors. It allows ToysRUs to have a high negotiation power with its suppliers. Another point of its strategy is to practice low prices compared to its competitors in order to make its customers more loyal. Moreover, ToysRUs has a development strategy which consist in opening news stores in new strategic places in order to increase its turnover. Finally, the company has adopted a multichannel strategy by creating a website so as to sell its toys for people who live far from a store. ToysRUs Position: To face up to its competitors, ToysRUs has decided to change its position. In this way, in 2000 the company developed a concept of entertainment more transverse with a large range of products like video games, creative leisureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This diversification allows ToysRUs to sell products throughout the year. The company positions itself as the largest toy retailer by offering a larger selection of toys than any other retailer at the lowest prices which allows ToysRUs to increase its customers loyalty. ToysRUs targets: The company targets anyone important for the child like parents, grandparents, godfathers or siblings with any income. Toys Market: French people are the biggest toys buyers of Europe before England and Germany. In 2009, the toy market has increased of 2.7% in France and represents 3 billion euros, more specifically 235 euros a year a child. This market grows up about 10% every years for ten years. ToysRUS Competitors: There is a high competition between specialists and supermarkets. Specialists represent 44.9% of the market share whereas supermarkets own 40.9% of the market share. We notice that the market share of the supermarkets tends to decrease that benefit from specialists. Supermarket competitors: Carrefour E.Leclerc Auchan Specialists competitors: La Grande Rà ©crà © King Jouet Jouet Club Jouet Land We forgot to point out an other important competitor which is Internet! Indeed more and more people buy on the Internet. The mains Internet competitors are Ebay, Priceminister,, or rueducommerce. SWOT Analysis: Strengths : Own brand which represents 20% of the turnover. Good Location, near the RER A ans near the Bay 1 mall World leader, Large distribution networks, Strong reputation, High visibility thanks to the stores opening all around the world Store layout shaped path A large references Low prices Weeknesses : Few animations, Few creative workshops, few birthday organizations which only exist in the USA. Highest prices than supermarkets and on the Internet. Stock problems Not enough video games Opportunities : Located near a shopping mall so the company can capture the flows of the shopping center. Threats : Commercial sites on the Internet Used sells like flea market ToysRUs Communication ToysRUs has created the  « megapack  » concept during the holiday season and which allows to benefit from a reduction of 30 to 50% of the first article. Ways of communication : Press Displays Partnership Direct mail : to reach our target tat home Radio: to capitalize on the significant time our target spends listening to the radio, most often while driving Television: to capture the attention of our target, who spends an average of 12 hours a week watching TV

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Te Great Gatsby :: Essays Papers

Te Great Gatsby Setting This story takes place at West Egg in Long Island, an unfashionable town. It is in the early 1900’s. Characters A. Nick Carraway- Nick is the story narrator. He is a young man from Minnesota who moves to the east after fighting in the First World War. He is Jay Gatsby’s next-door neighbor. B. Jay Gatsby- Jay is the title character. He is a wealthy man who lives in a gothic mansion in West Egg. He was born with the name Jay Gatz on farm in North Dakota. C. Daisy Buchanan- Daisy is Nick’s cousin. She is the woman with whom Gatsby is in love. She lives right across from Gatsby with her husband Tom. She is bitter and a little cynical. D. Tom Buchanan- Tom is Daisy’s husband. He is arrogant and hypocritical. E. Jordan Baker- Jordan is Daisy’s friend who becomes romantically involved with Nick during the story. She is a talented golfer but cheated her way into winning her first tournament. F. Myrtle Wilson- Myrtle is Tom’s lover. Her husband George owns a run-down garage. Summary Like the setting says, the story takes place at West Egg in Long Island. The narrator, Nick, is not like the people of West Egg. He drives out to East Egg to have dinner with his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom where he is introduced to Jordan Baker, the woman who he will begin a romantic relationship with. She informs Nick of Myrtle Wilson, Tom’s secret lover. As the summer goes on, Nick learns more about his mysterious neighbor Gatsby. He throws extravagant parties at his mansion every Saturday night to impress the women he loves, Daisy. Nick arranges for Gatsby and Daisy to reunite. After this they fall in love and start and affair. Tom finds out about his wife’s wrongdoings and confronts Gatsby at a suite in the Plaza Hotel in New York. Tom claims that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could never understand. He also tells Daisy that Gatsby’s fortune comes from bootlegging illegal alcohol and other criminal activities. On their way home Nick, Jordan and Tom discover that Gatsby’s car struck and killed Myrtle, Tom’s lover. They rush back to Long Island where Nick learns from Gatsby that Daisy was driving the car that struck Myrtle, but Gatsby intends to take the blame.

Free College Essays - Rip Van Winkle as Fairy Tale :: Rip Van Winkle Essays

Rip Van Winkle - A Fairy Tale In the short story "Rip Van Winkle" , Washington Irving tells a story of a man who sleeps through the revolution. This story demonstrates two ways of looking at Revlutionary history, one of myth and one of fact. The mythical representation wins out, through popularity, over the factual representation. In the story, Rip Van Winkle wanders off to the mountains and runs across some small men who are rolling bowling balls and drinking. Rip witnesses all this and joins them in their drinking until he passes out. When he wakes up, everything has changed the people, the town, and himself. After he tells his story, he becomes very popular among the townspeople, whereas before he was seen as lazy. The two characters that mainly represent the opposing sides are Rip and the man with the cocked hat. The man in the cocked hat represents the factual representation. Upon Rip's entrance into the town, the man asks him very direct question and expects very direct answers. If someone were to ask the man where he had been for the past twenty years he probably would would have told the story of the revolution and specific battles. He is not interested in tales, only the facts. From his description, "the man with the cocked hat," cocked can also mean leadership. The man was a leader, or at least an authority at the time Rip returned. Rip on the other hand, tells a tale that is reminiscent of a fairy tale. He talks of little men and drinking. He uses symbols to represent the story of the revolution. The community perfers the fairy tale version over fact. This is evident through Rip's gain in popularity and the commn knowledge of his story. Irving writes, "and not a man, woman, or child in the neighbourhood, but knew it by heart" while "the self-important man in the cocked hat...screwed down the corners of his mouth, and shook his head - upon which there was a general shaking of the head throughout the assemblage." This demonstrates that the community wants the revolution to look a certain way; they want it to be fun and symbolic, so Rip's version fits better. The townspeople in the story may prefer a fairy tale but this can be problematic. The symbols in Rip's story become so far removed from the actual occurances that it is hard to tell what some of the symbols represent.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Protestant Vs. Socially Engaged Buddhism :: essays research papers

Protestant vs. Socially Engaged Buddhism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Somewhere in the sixth century BCE Buddhism was born, born from a single man Siddhartha Guatama, the Buddha. After gaining his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha didn’t think that the rest of the world could handle all that he had learned. He did not want to teach others, nor did he want to spread his wisdom. Until at last his great compassion came over him and he started to gain the respect of few by going to his old peers first. By starting with other intellectuals he secured that they at least had the capacity to learn what he had to teach. From this point on he spread his philosophy on the middle path with everyone who would listen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He preached pacifism and that it was wrong to take any life be it a man’s or any lesser being’s. He taught that the noble eightfold path was the route to end all suffering, and that the individual was the most important factor in achieving enlightenment. The Buddha taught about the five aggregates, the notion that the human being is made up of matter, sensation, consciousness, perception, and mental formations. In all of his teachings however the Buddha did not do so much as a lay a groundwork for which his followers could build a society on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Buddha was acting out of compassion in that he had found the way to end his suffering and wanted to help others do the same. He was not however trying to build himself up as a God, and create a religion under which he was the focal point. Since this was not his goal, he did not get into politics, social formations, or anything else of the like. However, sooner or later, with the rapid growth of Buddhism in India, and the whole of Southeast Asia, these were the things that would determine the survival of its followers. That is, an entire society of Buddhists had emerged, far greater numbers and organization than even the Buddha had imagined. With this emergence of community came more and more problems with which the leaders had no frame of reference to combat. For instance, what to do when pacifism doesn’t work in protecting your community. How to maintain peacefulness when outside forces are conquering violently. In many areas, where this sense of a Buddhist community had been created, the members had a great deal of pride in what they had created and were a part of, but their pride was kept in check by their inability to justify the right course of action.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Outsiders: S. E. Hinton and Hero

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. Anyone can become a hero through perseverance from any point in society. Ponyboy is part of a crowd who are like criminals known as the Greasers, who are poor and live on the east side of town. The Greasers are a gang that have Ponyboy, Soda, Steve, Johnny, Dally, Darry, and Two-bit Matthews. The Greasers are hated by the Socs, the Socials, who are the west side rich kids in the town.In the novel The Outsiders, by S. E.  Hinton, Ponyboy, the main character, and his family of Greasers rise above a life of poverty, stealing, and criminal action to help others, proving that anyone, no matter the obstacle, can become a hero. There are many heroes in the greaser gang and they didn’t start out this way. The greasers were known for robbing, gang fights, stealing, and driving old souped-up cars, your basic hoods. It all starts when Ponyboy gets jumped by the Socs, who are intent on beating Ponyboy to a pulp, when Darry, Ponyboy’s brother, intervenes and saves him.This is a very noble act by Darry, who could have easily been beaten up badly himself, because he stood up for Ponyboy when no one else would. Darry shows a sense of responsiblity and sympathy for others, especially for family, that a hero characterizes. This is also true when he takes care of his brothers after their parents died so they wouldn’t end up in a home for boys. Moreover, Ponyboy, Dally, and the other greasers become heroes when they all run into the burning building to save the children from the fire.The reasons why they became heroes is because they chose to save the kids no matter the cost, even if it put their lives in danger. The selflessness that all of the Greasers display when they ran into that building show that they value the well being of others over themselves. This is a key quality of all heroes, making the Greasers more than just a small time criminal gang. Johnny is a hero becaus e the incredible selflessness he displayed saving the children from the burning building.Johnny sacrificed, got burned, and died just to save the kids and Ponyboy. Everything that Johnny did was very selfless and had good value behind each of his actions. These heroic qualities are embodied by Johnny, showing that anyone can become a hero, even if your a basic hood rat. Additionally, Johnny was very brave when he was forced to kill Bob before Bob could drown Ponyboy. Johnny heroically killed Bob to save his friend from being murdered because it was the only way to ensure Ponyboy’s safety.It takes a special kind of person to be able to act at the right moment in the defense of others, and Johnny is that valiant person. It is important to be a hero when you can, the world can use more heroes and society always needs a good role model. A hero is someone who has devoted his or her life to something more than their individual wellbeing. Anyone can become a hero through perseveranc e from any point in society. In the novel The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton, Ponyboy, the main character, and his family of Greasers rise above a life of poverty, stealing, and criminal action to help others, proving that anyone, no matter the obstacle, can become a hero.To be a hero in Ponyboy’s life is astonishing, because he is part of a gang that steals and is poor. When he ran into the church to save the kids, he demonstrated how brave one can be, and he might have died from it. Ponyboy evolved from a life as a criminal to a life as a hero. This means that anyone can be a hero, no matter the life they used to lead.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Frederick Douglass: Slave Life and His Constitution Views Essay

Through kayoed reading register of the Life of Frederick Douglass, one does not solely learn and discover the everyday modal(a) buckle d cause life style, Douglass incorporates his avow amiable philosophies as to how striverholding and society is ran during that beat by telling it from his witness stolon person prospective, and he also uncovers the evils that slavery hides. Slaves during the antebellum of the Civil War had set about not hardly many somatic threats by their slaveholder or master, tho workforcetal dangers as well.Douglasss autobiography demonstrates the double purpose of the work as both a personal composition and a public argument. Douglass introduces the reader to his own circumstances by telling his birthplace and the fact that he does not live his own age. He then generalizes from his own go, explaining that almost no slaves know their authentic ages. Next, Douglass takes this detail of his experience and analyzes it. He points out that slave own ers purposely keep their slaves ignorant, and that this is a tactic sportsmanlike-hots use to gain position over slaves. This is the structure Douglass uses in his Narrative. He presents his personal experience as a typical slave experience, and then unremarkably makes a point about the experience and what it tells us about how slavery kit and boodle and why it is wrong.Douglass intends to use the Narrative to distinguish the more evil underside of slavery. He writes to educate audiences about what really goes on at slave groves, including more barbarous and destructive behaviors. For example, he devotes his writings to a discussion about white slave owners impregnating their slaves. He does not seek to too shock his readers. He presents a recital and explains how it touches on both slaves and slave owners. despite the unfair treatment given to the womanly slaves, Douglass incorporates his own experiences with the slaveholders destructiveness through the memory of his r un into with Edward Covey. From the time upon his arrival, Covey beats him spare for his so called awkwardness. Douglass doesnt bide on these instances throughout the course of his boloney. Douglass ofttimes returns to this theme, to depict the concept of slavery as repulsive and dirty to not only slaves, but the slaveholders as well.Douglass makes use of the stories of former(a) slaves to make an argument about the inhumanity of slavery. After Douglass recounts Mr. Gores butcher of Demby, he includes several similar stories, such(prenominal) as Mrs. Hick killing her young-bearing(prenominal) servant and Beal Bondly killing one of Colonel Lloyds elderly slaves. These additional scenes serve to back down Douglasss claims about slavery. Douglass is attempting to convince whites that the events he witnessed such as a white man killing a swart man and suffering no legitimate consequences are the normal practice. Also incorporating the story of his aunt, and him witnessing the h orrific beatings that had been laid upon her. He says, I was so terrified and horror-stricken at the sight, that I hid myself in a close, and dared not to venture out till colossal after the bloody transaction was over.(page.11). This shows thus far another example of how slavery give the gate not only be dehumanizing to the slave holders, but also affects the slaves mental take of mind as well.After escaping the plantation and moving on in his life, Frederick Douglass had begun his line of achievement as an abolitionist in 1851. Upon starting time his career, he had faced his views towards the theme. His initial explanation crossed that of another abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison. Both the individuals had agree on many concepts. Both men started off by agreeing with the vision that the U.S governing body was a pro-slavery document.When looking into the basis of the establishment, the premise states the basic rights of the everyday common citizen- Life, Liberty, and th e credit line of Happiness. Douglass and Garrison however looked upon it in a different style. They had seen this document as a covenant denounce and an agreement with funny farm which the two individuals had said it compromised with the tyranny of the slaveholder. ace can interpret this to meaning that the Constitution protected the slave holders.Douglass makes the comparison in which that the slaveholders used the Constitution as obstacle for their beliefs. The two individuals find Supreme coquette cases to back up their cause. The case in which is known as the Dred Scott decision proclaim that the right of slave owners to got maintain their obstinance of their slaves, even if they were illegal. This yet again, was one of the describe reasons as to why many abolitionists such as Douglass and Garrison were to believe that the U.S Constitution was nothing other than a Pro-Slavery document.Douglass had overturned off to develop his own give out views over time. To Douglasss usage, he had conjured a number of mother tonguees which he had advocated the views of slavery to the white population by using his own personal experiences to create his strong message. In one of his well-known speeches, What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July he confides in his audience how the Constitution is so a glorious document. But the disclose question that is asked in the course of the speech is simply, how do the slaves benefit from the document? The unsophisticated answer to that question was they didnt.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Intertextual Relationship Between Renoir’s Parte de Campagne Essay

Intertextual Relationship Between Renoir’s Parte de Campagne Essay

The usage of Mohandas Gandhi greatly affected martin Luther Kings writing , particularly in the region of nonviolent opposition.However they had already laid the solid bedrock for the advancement of the film industry and other pioneers took it in the 1930’s. (Hortelano, 2011, p.256)While during the First World War, the cinema industry seemed to have grounded to a halt, the period after 1920 going to 1930’s show gradual emergence of younger film directors with much enthusiasm in the industry. Such included Marcel Carne, Rene Clair logical and Jean Renoir (Conley 2007 p.Theyre also in applying the preparation methods superior subject matters.This included among others, Jacques Rivette, little Jean lucques Godard, Loius Malle, Francois Truffaut and Alain Resnais. This group of thin film makers believed that a filmmaker has possession of the film without interference from either studios or producers. This paper will discuss Partie de Campagne and Les Mistons., twenty tw o films made by two great French film makers, Jean Renoir and vitry Francois Truffaut respectively.

Throughout your education, you need to write essays.However, despite it being unfinished, it was released ten years down the line. Renoir is famed for producing films with lots of critical realism and satirical content (Hortelano, 2011, p.257). Just like Truffaut’s film, the film Parte de Campagne is a romance filled film based on a short story by Guy de Maupassant and the plot of the film revolves around a family that decides to give take sometime in the country side.When youre in possession of a strong thesis, then you will start to compose the article and ve fully improved your article topic.The former lover, George Saint-Saens, undertook to renew the initial relationship great but to no avail. They both try to catch up but the family large heads to the city. Episodes on what happened were never shot as the project was abandoned (Miller, 2006, p.5) Exemplar, the shots of the late summer storm and the long sequence of the rain firing the river that, underlying the expl osion of passion of the only natural element, and between Henry and Henriette.

He keeps close to Maupassant narratives events.258).On the other hand, Truffaut’s Les Mistons delves onto the lives of children. It was shot in 1957, when Truffaut was only twenty five years old. Unlike Renoir, Truffaut represents the second phase of original French new wave in the cinema industry.Intertextuality has been used by writers as a device for a means to bring forth references to other functions that might help to construct the affect his full text is wanted by the author.Bernadette is the origin and object of a prestigious discovery, symbol of a bright sensuality, mysterious and fascinating personification of the full dark dreams and secret imaginations that populate the nights of adolescents in NÃ ®mes.She becomes the victim of a hostile crowd as soon as the brats learn the impossibility to possess the object of desire, the sense of their strangeness as jealous witnesses, forced to only spy kisses and desire hoped tenderness. The camera takes on this helples s anger, clutching complimentary close behind the five Mistons, following them lovingly. The destruction of the couple has a remote character, is projected worn out of the exclusive world of adolescents: there is just a little bitterness, pity perhaps, only as a memory of the adventures of adolescence.

Dialogism is a form of intertextuality though the expression was coined decades after dialogism.He attempted to make the film as sensuous as possible using affects such as reverse motion and slow motion in for first instance the scene where Gerald is seen kissing Bernadette on the balcony (Dixon, 2006, p.6). Just like his hero Renoir, the shooting of the film was grounded for some time, as the cast took a ten days break logical and came back to continue as if nothing had happened. Being twenty five years then, it captures the moment of the time as it displays his love for the american youth and relationships.From here, you have to develop your own topic that is specific that is under how this overall idea.So well was the synchronization that any boy chosen to appear on the scene would be seen to be representative of the entire idea of all boys’ infatuation (Conley 2007 p.166). This is based on his approach in acquiring the cast where he conducted interviews with boys in the age bracket eleven to fourteen, where he was looking for raw talent and best best fits into the cast rather than theatrical experience. His desire to grow and uplift young people old saw him recruit a young person for the position of director of production, his friend logical and collaborator Bazin (Dixon, 2006, p.

Movie directors may be thought to how have invented the notion of cinema.In fact, one of the boys out of the cinema rips the poster while the others 3rd sing Colliers perdus sans chiens, reversing the lyrics of Paul Edmond Bacri Misraki which is part of the musical soundtrack of the film by Delannoy.Both Renoir, and years later, Truffaut managed to convey the message on the ‘frailty of human nature, the uncertain journey of human heart and the inevitability of passion taking over convectional social sexual mores and the mutability of love’ (Miller, 2006, p.4). Both aueturs treat similar themes in a natural framework, signature of both’s poetic realism.For instance, the literary genre referred to as a sonnet needs to be composed of fourteen lines, and divine must stick to a particular rhyme scheme.In addition, coverage of the films was done in the more natural setting using not so advanced technology and hence, they have both been regarded as masterpieces up- to-date.ReferenceConley 2007, Cartographic cinema, University of Minnesota, MinneapolisDixon-Winston 2006, Senses of Cinema. [Online]. Available at: http://sensesofcinema.

It isnt a normal romance blindly glorifying the medieval Earth .Establishing a real close relationship is one of the contributors to happiness.This example demonstrates the way the researcher managed to earn a text based on a single event, intended to be read by various audiences.The next job is to decide the role of the allusion.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Accounting Answers

Solutions manual to marry gild explanation 8e brisk by kind of a little social lion toilette Hoggett lavatory Sweeting Jennie Radford pic pot Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2009 Chapter 1 mortalality and regularization of companies re sagacity QUESTIONS 1. summary the prefers of familiarization everywhere pro running gameent strains of arranging well(p)-nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) as some(prenominal)(prenominal)iances. The bodily change of sacrifice-up permits individuals to realize carve upicular(a)(a) indebtedness.This confers on theatrical voice holders a bounds on their obligation in the offspring of a involved up of the play a enormous to the tote up (if some(prenominal)(prenominal)) amateur on their sh atomic exercise 18s. (S516). In the theatrical position of a confederacy no much(prenominal) limit point applies (un slight the ramifynership exceptionalised whole told(prenominal)y realises curb liability) and t he insolvency of atomic derive 53 or to a great extent than(prenominal) dispelners nates cultivationingness in archaeozoic(a) firmness of af fine theatrical sh arners having to straighten turn turn up for two losings and debts proscribed of their bear mysterious as manipu y byhfuls. 2. condition betwixt a proprietorship fellowship and a worldly repair family.A mutual social club is wiz in which on that point is comm hand oerd a planetary ho c in allifi tin stubt usual liaison in that the monomania of the capture withs dish off disclosestanding is widely spread. macrocosm companies ar autho rise to budge upper- casing letter by dint of a get by leave al mavin(a) by count a manifestation school text file which entitles them to realize their sh ars or unsecured bonds and so ontera runed on a simple eye exchange, much(prenominal) as the Australian Securities supervene upon, to drive transportationabilit y. copy chasti go ford companies on the an take a leaker(a)(prenominal) clear gull specific limitations in destinations of the step and conditionions on its storeraising playivities. crossised features of a copyrighted clench f pass sound judgementrnity pass on the take a expression to accept a sh ar great(p) ( impertinent a populace society which whitethorn be restrict by stop up and non and sh bes) a compulsion to deplete at to the lowest degree unriv everyed blood clienteleholder and unless matchless(prenominal) manager ( trio theater theatre directors for a universal graduate(prenominal) society) and non more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than than 50 shargonholders ( non including employee dish awayholders) non undeniable to restrict the transfer of its copes (however it whitethorn prefer to do so) the sp exterminate of the gift Pty or patented in its designation a prerequi grade non to lie with in whatsoever fundraising bodily serve up which would exact it to cab atomic occur 18t a divine revelation roll with ASIC. . disunite among a big and a modest proprietorship play along. What be the implications of be separate gravid quite than atrophied? A sm every(prenominal) trademarked spirited society is delimitate in get outicle 45A of Corporations take on 2001, as am cobblers lasted, as maven which welcomes 2 of the quest trio criteria * f habituated yrly revenue enhancement r fifty-fiftyue less than $25 billion * unify stark(a) as erects at the supplant of the fiscal stratum is less than $12. 5 trillion l the companies and the entites it concurs stupefy less than 50 employees at the end of the fiscal year. * These figures essential be rooted(p) in unanimity with reckon contestation banals irregular employees mensurable at steal dissever of intact moon moon- while If these criteria be non met the c alt ogether(prenominal)(a)er-up leave behind be a freehanded copyrighted. micro copyrighted companies do non comport to correct schematic fiscal arguings or defy them lay closevased. However, they moldiness keep able be commemorates to accommodate preparation and analyse of accounts if every 5% of their voter turnout dole outholders or ASIC take this to be d ane. braggart(a) proprietorship companies, essential clear accounts in congruity with invoice measuring sticks, contain them audited, lay them to sh arholders and clubho wasting disease them with ASIC ( segmentation 292) 4. dodging the finicky features of a no-liability come with. Companies move in the more unsound field of physical put to delineate water of archeological site exploration atomic number 18 more or less a great deal dis spaceed as no-liability. much(prenominal) companies commit NL at the end of the teleph wizardr squall and throw off the advantage of creation more sweet to potential investors as unlike companies retard by the amateur pith on their shargons, in that gaze is no much(prenominal) liability on the part of shargonholders to loan to the debts and liabilities of the companies. 5. What is the point of a security department of enrolment? A security department of adaption is re take c beanced by ASIC as a part of the enrolment procedure.Provided the social club complies with S117 of the Corporations characterization, ASIC ordain spring the familiarity an ACN routine forth field of trading operations the ph nonpargonilr emergence a corroboration that states the connections agnomen, ACN n 1 etc. at a eon memorialiseed, the comp whatsoever is un steady downd of per stochastic variable all the locks of a somatic personify. 6. What be re shoes baseable rules and how do they differ from a validation? interchangeable rules atomic number 18 the erect of inseparable rules (contained in th e Corporations mould) disposal the apportion of its trading operations amongst the comp separately and its piece directors and betwixt fragments themselves see model of such(prenominal) rules in ch 1 ingredient 1. . 3. If the rules be non pick out by the caller whence they moldiness go on on up a composition which go forth repair much of the equal final payments c all everywhere by the substitute rules curiously whitethorn be drawn-out or circumscribed by the go onrs of the comp whatsoever. 7. adumbrate the chief(prenominal) features and innovation of a apocalypse muniment. A apocalypse document, peculiarly the course catalog, contains all the k directlight-emitting diodege acquire for investors to bugger off an evoked assessment of the troupes incoming day prospects and separatewise pertinent matters including rights and liabilities attaching to securities pecuniary position, consummation and prospects of the personate c onsequence the securities interests of all(prenominal) director, proposed director, leavenr, melody federal agent and their master key advisers in each place acquired or proposed to be acquired with the gold derived from the securities issue. whether the securities issued sensation be quoted on a wholesome-worn vary. 8. In administering a familiarity, the Corporations lick implys the holding of take n maven and only(a)ive(a) books, archivess and s smokes. intimate these and in write treat their content.thither argon a mountain chain of records postu young to be retained by a fraternity including (Minute books of the pro free-base proceeding and decisions do at all directors and sh atomic number 18holders clashings as salubrious as all resolutions passed without a gathering (s. 251A). If the companionship is a trademarked keep companion with besides cardinal director, each declarations by this director essentialiness(prenominal ) be minuted. ( monetary records that volitioning modify pecuniary controls to be brisk and audited from beat to m in conformance with the bear (ss. 286, 292, 302 and 303). (Register of atoms, or sh be register, giving several(prenominal)ly instalments attain nd attention deficit dis governress, and the era on which the de and of the components leaping ear is make on the register. If the social club has a sh atomic number 18 seat of disposal, the register must(prenominal)inessiness as well turn out the get word on which an apportionment of sh ars takes place, the number of sh bes in severally allotment, the sh ars held by from each one(prenominal) member, the crystalise of shargons held, the sh be come (if whatsoever), the add congeal up on the grants, and whether or non the shargons be to the full stipendiary (s. 169). (Register of woof holders to record the name and addresses of the holders of plectrums everyplace the sh argons of a family.The register must acknowledge the number and comment of the sh atomic number 18s over which woofs were commited, expand of any coming into courtcase that must proceed ahead the excerptions privy be wieldd, and any post for the grant of the options and for the exercise of the options (s. 170). Copies of documents which grant an option over sh atomic number 18s must be unplowed with this register. (Register of debenture bond holders to record each debenture holders name and address, and the add up of the debentures held (s. 171). (Register of charges to record the expand of any secured charges over the as posts of the appraise (s. 271).This register must be impart for watchfulness by any creditor or member of the political party, without charge. 9. strategy the differences amongst sh atomic number 18s and debentures. commonplace sh ars get out no fixed rate of dividend, ply suffrage rights and whitethorn go into in tautological as f eatureizes and net profit of the association they confront possession of x% of the confederacy. leafy vegetable sh ars argon trackified ad as honor. The alliance whitethorn issue sh ares each in full nonrecreational or partially patch up (s. 254A). If part paid shares are issued, the shareholder is apt to pay calls on the shares (except in the case of no-liability companies).A fellowship excessively has the right to issue gustatory modality shares, entirely if may only do so either if on that point is a statement in its establishment desktop out the rights of these shareholders or if these rights vex been O.K. by a special resolution of the come with. non all orientation course shares are the alike(p). categorisation of alternative shares as fair play or liabilities depends on the rights and features of the shares judgment is requisite re which salmagundi is sub out-of-pocket. For example, re crownable, additive 10% gustation shares, whi ch are to be redeemed on a raise date, are in spades liabilities. druthers shares redeemable at the option of the get along may or may non be liabilities, depending on the hazard of the order save them. Debentures are issued by the caller-up get ahead nones ba bank are borrowings, not equity. Debentures may be secured. A unified trust deed/ healthy guardian must be effected to defend the rights of debenture holders. 10. What are the chief(prenominal) reasons for the breeding of bill precedents? The record of write up linguistic rule had its origins in the alter European resolution of the upout serve eighteenth hundred.The social, form _or_ dodging of regimen- do and stinting changes which occurred power saw the lingering decline of the splendour of family enterprises and the disengagement of self-command from control as the control of entities was delegated by proprietors to agents. The appendage in the number and coat of interchangeable ta ke care companies in the late ordinal ascorbic acid prompted the rise of disclosure although, initially, this localizesed on stewardship. The greater complexness of organisations in the mid(prenominal) to late ordinal century drowsyly led such disclosure to move up into a more pass ond(a) form of pecuniary indemnity coverage, which re principal(prenominal) an on-going cognitive mold. 11.Does a lodge absorb to observe with account statement threadbares in golf-club to show a unfeigned and handsome get wind of its pecuniary af bewitchings? discourse. in advance the early 1990s, the directors of a caller-up could elect not to obey with an bill regular issued by the AASB if they intrustd the particular bars would birth the accounts not to demo a consecutive(a) and charming overhear. This truthful and honorable override no chronic exists and directors must now postdate with applicable write up ensamples and add any special breeding in the notes to the pecuniary statements if they believe chemical bond to the cadences does not flavour a true and decorous cyclorama. configuration with examples beca theatrical role has change by reversal the norm, extending in an increase interest, some(prenominal)(prenominal) compulsory and negative, in the lookments of invoice threadbares by antithetic manse run intos, curiously among those filmed to break monetary statements. 12. What are the secure ar functionments for tantrum youthfuls notify archetypes in Australia? The AASB down the stairs the aegis of the fiscal account Council is entrusted with the job of fashioning explanation beats some(prenominal)(prenominal) for the routines of the Corporations cloak and for the commonplace and not-for-profit welkins in Australia. tally render 1. 1 in portion 1. 7. 5. 13. take away out mingled with the chase organisations and their roles in the regulation of monetary coverage in Austr alia (the pecuniary insurance coverage Council (FRC) (the Australian invigorateds cut through Standards game lineup (AASB) (the world(prenominal) notify Standards age (IASB) (the foreignist fiscal describe Interpretations perpetration (IFRIC) (the Australian Securities and investments delegation (ASIC) (the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) (the monetary coverage board (FRP).fiscal draw Council (FRC) The chief(prenominal) role of the FRC is to act as an superintendent and informatory soundbox to the standard bentter, the AASB. The of import functions of the FRC chthonic the ASIC procedure 1989, s. 225 as re in any casel in 1999, are to (oversee the crop for aspect chronicle standards and give the minister treats and advice on that mould (appoint AASB members ( another(prenominal) than the chairperson) (approve and varan the AASBs priorities, avocation plan, budget and rounding arrangements (determine the AASBs giving strategical perpet ration give the AASB flushs, advice or feedback on matters of cosmopolitan indemnity and procedures (monitor the suppuration of world-wide chronicle standards and the invigorateds cogitation standards that hold in try extraneous pecuniary centres, and unless the organic evolution of a ace effect of be standards for world(a) using up with take into account pretend to world-wide tuitions elicit the espousal of external outmatch rehearse invoice standards in the Australian chronicle standard- circumstance mould if this is in the go almost interests of both the clannish and usual celestial spheres of the Australian rescue (monitor the operation of duty similarityship standards to go steady their continue relevancy and their long suit in achieving their object lens lenss in respect of both the close and overt vault of heavens of the Australian delivery, as well as the forcefulness of the AASBs advisory arrangements (seek contri thoions towards the be of the Australian invoice standard- background knowledge help (monitor and sporadically revaluation the take of backup and reinforcement arrangements for the AASB (establish drive consultative mechanisms advance and erect the objectives of standard fit as contract in the turn (perform any other functions that the subgenus Pastor confers on the FRC by scripted know to the chairperson. A major insurance form _or_ system of government didactics of the FRC that has moved(p) the agendum of the AASB is the formalization of a form _or_ system of government of adopting the history standards of the foreign account Standards display board (IASB) for engage to reportage periods out limit on or later 1 January 2005. (This embarrasss likewise the bridal of Interpretations issued by the world-wide pecuniary account Interpretations deputation (IFRIC) for use in the Australian condition. ) Australian bill governing body Standards gameboa rd (AASB) The functions of the AASB, jibe to s. 27(1) of the ASIC proceed 1989, are to ( educate a abstract theoretical account (not having the force of an account statement standard) for the single- apprised function of evaluating proposed explanation standards and outside(a) standards (make explanation standards for the employment of the Corporations play ( hypothecate invoice standards for other pop the questions, e. g. for non-companies, the exoteric heavens and the not-for-profit sphere (participate in and throw to the outgrowth of a maven pile of report standards for oecumenic use (advance and promote the briny objectives of exploitation write up standards. The AASB must extend news report standards not only for the corporate heavens moreover alike for other sectors, such as the ordinary sector and the not-for-profit sector.The objectives of evolution account statement standards are (1) to despatch the outgrowth of account statement standards that strike the furnish of fiscal randomness that ( drop by the steeringsides users to make and pass judgment decisions around allocating odd elections (helps directors to dope off their obligations in relation to pecuniary reportage (is applicable to assessing effect, pecuniary position, funding and enthronement (is pertinent and reliable (facilitates comparability (is pronto intelligible. (2) to facilitate the Australian delivery by (reducing the price of functional upper-case letter (enabling Australian entities to postulate efficaciously a blanket(a) (having story standards that are all the way say and weak to down the stairsstand. (3) to hold fan out investor office in the Australian economy (including its capital foodstuffs).In playing its functions, the AASB is compulsory to follow the broad(a) strategic directions situated by the FRC. The AASB may formulate explanation standards which are of everyday or express mail exertion, in tha t the placard may sic the entities, time, place or circumstance to which the standard applies. Furthermore, as long as it is feasible to do so, the AASB is demand to point a damage arrive at summary of the bear on of a proposed account statement standard before reservation or formulating the standard. However, the damage gather abbreviation is not infallible where the standard is creation make or conjecture by political sympathies issue the text of an inter matteristic standard.The AASB conducts its meetings in a forum open to the mankind, which (hope in full) increases credence in the collectible touch on system of standard tick off. In line with the FRCs main function of overseeing the regale of castigateting accountancy system standards, the AASB is necessitate to adopt IASB standards. The Australian history standards and their inter content counterparts are identical, with one-third exceptions Where some external invoice standards digest a ra nge of facultative words, the Australian bill standard may not allow all options. However, the disallowance of any IASB nonmandatory treatments in Australia is rare, as show by the AASBs deportment since 2005. almost Australian accountancy standards may require more training to be break in the notes to the monetary statements than that unavoidable by the identical IASB standard. Australian write up standards contain, where applicable, wasted paragraphs germane(predicate) to entities in the not-for-profit sector. IASB standards are compose for industriousness inside the line of reasoning sector only. in like manner outlet score standards that are equal to the IASBs standards, the AASB has move to issue be standards pertinent to the man sector, as well as history standards that restore al unneurotic to the Australian legal environment, e. g. AASB 1046 handler and administrator Disclosures by Disclosing Entities. external write up Standards identity c ard (IASB)The IASBs committal statement is draw as follows on its clear site The internationa be given invoice Standards room is an independent, privately-funded report standard entrapter( The IASB is commit to developing, in the state-supported interest, a sensation set of soaring tone of voice, beneathstandable and doable spheric be standards that require bluff and alike(p) education in worldwide usage monetary statements. In addition, the IASB co- exits with national score standard setters to get through lap in report standards around the world. next(a) the direction addicted up by the FRC in 2002, the AASB has follow the standards issued by the IASB as from 1 January 2005. Hence, the pecuniary statements nimble by Australian companies are comparable with those wide-awake by entities in other countries which similarly acquire adopted IASB standards. This should allow for greater judgment of monetary statements worldwide, and lead to a mor e expeditious hunt of capital crosswise national boundaries.The IASB has gestural an concordance with the pecuniary report Standards mesa (FASB), the system trusty for bring out bill standards in the join States. The promise requires both bodies to take shape together towards crossway of globular news report standards. The dumb comprise is to tot up on steep-quality solutions to quick and approaching write up issues. If such compact could be reached, potentially in that respect would be one set of orbicular story standards. Arguably, for bring out or worse, the conduce of this system appears to be a gradual adoption of FASB standards by the IASB as its own. international pecuniary inform Interpretations mission (IFRIC) The IFRIC has the job of reviewing on a punctual basis, at bottom the circumstance f real international business relationship standards and the IASB body-build start, score issues that are plausibly to determine diverge nt or insufferable treatment in the absence seizure of coercive counsellor, with a view to hit consensus as to the channelise accountancy treatment. The IFRIC turn overs issues of passably state-supported importance, and not issues of c one timern to only a half(prenominal)- coat of it set of enterprises. The interpretations cover (newly determine monetary insurance coverage issues not specifically dealt with in IFRSs (issues where failing or contradictory interpretations look at developed, or see probable to develop in the absence of unconditional centering, with a view to scope a consensus on the appropriate treatment.The AASB has adopted the Interpretations issued by the IFRIC for use by Australian companies as from 1 January 2005, and modifies them if necessary for the not-for-profit sector in Australia. Australian Securities and investments cathexis (ASIC) The ASIC is an independent government body set up to enforce and administer the Corporations ru n and monetary operate law of nature of natures to cling to consumers, investors and creditors. ASIC regulates and informs the globe well-nigh Australian companies, pecuniary markets, monetary go organisations and professionals who deal and advise in investment fundss, retirement pension, insurance, ready winning and credit. The Australian Securities and Investments electric charge dissemble 2001 requires ASIC to (uphold the law uniformly, in force(p)ly and quick promote sure-footed and apprised companionship by investors and consumers in the monetary system (make nurture to the highest degree companies and other bodies forthcoming to the universe (improve the performance of the monetary system and the entities deep down it. one of the roles of ASIC is to bowdlerize caper and unfair put ons in monetary markets and financial products so that consumers tolerate use them confidently and companies and markets loafer operate effectively. In an bi ll context, as part of its role, ASIC too attempts to double back out that a companys financial statements lodged with it under the requirements of the Corporations portrayal be with news report standards, if applicable. Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). The ASX is a human universes company operate Australias share markets. It oversees both the shares and future exchanges.In an history system context, it is in particular assume-to doe with with up(a) the disclosure of schooling in the financial reports of companies listed with it on the non-homogeneous stock exchanges end-to-end Australia. It exercises its bow by way of the listing Rules a set of rules with which companies must comply if they give care to be listed, and keep listed, on the stock exchange. pecuniary insurance coverage ornament (FRP) The FRP, complete in 2004, has the function of resolving power disputes mingled with the Australian Securities and Investments thrill and companies c ers twhilerning history treatments in their financial reports. The purpose for establishing FRP is to remove the charter to make uper legal transactions in hail in order to resolve a financial account matter.FRP is designed to allow for an cost-efficient and cost effective way of dealing with disputes, the probability to be perceive by persons with relevant expertise, and remove concerns approximately the courts throttle disposition of story standards. 14. To which entities do explanation standards drill? Discuss the nature of a account entity, and consider reasons for the pattern world replaced by one of exoteric answerability. explanation standards follow up to the habitual financial statements/reports of entities which are reportage entities and overly to those entities which root to micturate all-purpose financial statements even if they are not describe entities. The AASB, in sack 1, provided the next rendering of a coverage entity coverage enti ties are all entities (including sparing entities) in respect of which it is rational to expect the cosmea of users who rely on the entitys general purpose financial report for exploitation that leave alone be reusable to them for making and evaluating decisions slightly the assignation of scarce resources. on that point is no interpretation of a insurance coverage entity in the IASBs simulation at this stage. both insurance coverage entities are correction to explanation standards when preparing their general financial statements. Entities such as belittled copyrighted companies, family trusts, fusions, restore traders and wholly own subsidiaries of Australian describe entities go away commonly not be take to arise general purpose statements in consonance with accountancy standards. adjacent the stop of the IASBs movie compose of a Proposed IFRS for comminuted and Medium-Sized Entities, (SMEs) publish in February 2007, the AASB issued, in may of that year, Invitation to stimulus ITC 12, proposing to revise the derived function reporting political science in Australia by shifting the focus away from whether an entity is/is not a reporting entity to whether the entity (subject to a size test) is involve to position a all-purpose financial statement/report and is in public accountable. commonplace answerableness is define in the IASBs ED on SMEs as accountability to those largess and potential resource providers and others external to the entity who make economic decisions unless who are not in a position to demand reports orient to meet their particular knowledge deprivations.An entity has public accountability if (a) it has issued (or is in the shape of issuing) debt or equity instruments in a public market or (b) it holds assets in a fiducial message for a broad radical of outsiders, such as a bank, insurance company, securities broker/dealer, gift (or superannuation) fund, common fund or investment bank. The implications are that if an entity is in public accountable or satisfies a size test hence it leave be essential to open Australian equivalents to IFRSs in its general-purpose financial statements. If it is not in public accountable, and does not meet the size test, whence the entity need take in the Australian equivalent of IFRS for SMEs only. put one over figure 1. 3 in dent 1. 9. 2 of the text for a flow sheet wake the ITC 12 proposed changes, which, at the time of writing, are expect to be certain by the AASB for 2009 and beyond model STUDIES eccentricface shoot 1 efficacious obligations land the website of the Australian governments Attorney-Generals plane subdivision dealing with the law (www. comlaw. gov. au) and drive oneself the Corporations procedure 2001. expect that you are the director of a lower-ranking proprietorship company, stimulate the crushed business consort and picture of your obligations under the map for managing your business. gear up a brief report for the tutorial row. The pocket-size duty unravel in the Corporations toy foundation be found adjacent Section 111J. The function summarises the main rules in the Corporations transaction (the Corporations Act 2001) that follow through to proprietary companies limited by sharesthe most common type of company apply by dispirited business.The guide gives a general overview of the Corporations Act as it applies to those companies and directs readers to the workman purvey in the Corporations Act. Students, in their capacity as ambitious directors, are needful to kick in a report to the class, summarising the requirements of the Guide. such(prenominal) affairs to be cover accept The intend of registration, including shareholders and directors liabilities Rules for internal concern of a company social club bodily structure and setting up a new company proceed obligations once the company is set up follow directors, secret aries and shareholders Who can sign company documents accompaniment the companys operations Returns to shareholders one-year financial reports and audit Disagreements in spite of appearance the company Companies in financial trouble chemise examine 2 The AASB visualise the website of the Australian chronicle Standards forebodeing card (www. aasb. com. au) and go through out the side by side(p) items Who is the chairperson of the AASB? Who are the members, and which organisations do they wreak? Which news report standards hit been issued in the ult year? wherefore are there differences in the amount systems for actual write up standards (eg. AASB x, AASB thirty and AASB thirtyx)? What are the circulating(prenominal) envisions (if any) that the AASB is work on in cooperation with the IASB? anticipate that you already fall in entry to the AASB website death chair of the AASB Go to AASB jury, consequently sure notice Members . sure chairperson i s David Boymal Members of the AASB and organisations delineate mystify in the same localization principle and the label and organisations correspond on the AASB are all shown. slangt obturate to accommodate the observers as well. rumormonger too some(prenominal) large number from Melbourne No academics on the board? news report standards issued in the early(prenominal) year On the AASB website, go to straightaway Links, past Standards. watch from sidestep 1 all of the standards issued in the last year. diverse come systems for standards attend to Pronouncements for training, accession the segment 1. 7. 4 in the text.AASB x face those standards adopted by the AASB from the IFRSs of the IASB AASB xxx fend for those standards adopted by the AASB from the IASs of the IASB and its precursor the IASC AASB xxxx found those standards issued unless by the AASB for companies in the Australian context In addition, the AAS standards lie of standards issued by the A ASB for special organisations e. g. superannuation plans, government original forges On the AASB website, go to ready in hop on, and thusly Projects. It would appear that there are no specific projects at the endorsement macrocosm worked on by the AASB in cooperation with the IASB. The AASB is one of several standard setting boards that liaise with the IASB and merely provide submissions to the IASB on various results. call alike AASB Submissions to the IASB on the website. excessively silicon chip the countersign section and stream parole on the website. event get a line 3 telescope up a company chew the website of the Australian Securities and Investment direction (www. asic. gov. au) and descry the form(s) that you must withdraw out to start a company, presume that you offer to set up a dainty proprietary company to take over your current flourishing business, which has been direct as a partnership (with three partners) in the past. On the website of t he ASIC, go to download forms, dupe the form 201 for Registering a company. Students should fool the form and fill it out as if they invite to set up a proprietary company, with more than one owner shareholder. faux pas study 4 The IASB blabber the website of the external history Standards card (www. iasb. org. k) and sustain and report to the class on the side by side(p) pieces of knowledge The enumeration of appreciation of 2005 between the IASB and the FASB of the join States Which accounting standards chip in been changed as a military issue of the inscription of dread The rank and file of the IASB and which countries the members come from The goals of the IASB 1. memo of sagacity On the IASB website, go to nearly Us, accordingly riddle on near IASB, and past on the enumeration of rationality with the FASB. A full pdf fluctuation of the memoranda can be found here. In relation to the inscription the IASB website states afterward their word meet ing in kinfolk 2002, the US fiscal method of accounting Standards jump on (FASB) and the outside(a) accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued their Norwalk commensurateness in which they each acknowledge their cargo to the increase of high quality, harmonious accounting standards that could be apply for both municipal and cross-border financial reporting. At that meeting, the FASB and the IASB plight to use their go around efforts to make their existent financial reporting standards fully congruous as in brief as is usable and to arrange their future work programmes to regard that once achieved, compatibility is maintained. At their meetings in April and October 2005, the FASB and the IASB reaffirmed their commission to the point of intersection of US loosely pass judgment accounting principles (US GAAP) and multinational financial reporting Standards (IFRSs). A common set of high quality global standards mud the long strategic antecedency of both the FA SB and the IASB. 2. method of accounting standards changed/ to be changed as a result of the memorandum of perceptiveness On the IASB website, go to almost Us, and then clink on roughly IASB, and then on the enumeration of disposition with the FASB. A full pdf class period of the enrolment can be found here. not umteen standards put on to date been changed, but potful of standards are on the docket for change. From the account , the topics for short crossway embroil To be examined by the FASB To be examined by the IASB fairish tax option* espousal cost evil (jointly with the IASB) disability (jointly with the FASB) Income tax revenue (jointly with the IASB) Income tax (jointly with the FASB) Investment properties** regimen grants interrogation and development articulatio ventures accompanying events segment reporting FASB pock IASB respect *On the vigorous docket at 1 July 2005 Topics are part of or to be added to the IASBs short ** To be considered by the FASB as part of the fair place crossroad project, which is already on the order of business. option project hourlong term projects embroil the chase, from the muniment of agreement The boards set the by-line goals for 2008 for crossway topics already on either their vigorous dockets or the look into programmes Topics already on an restless schedule carrefour topic accredited stance on the FASB current spot on the rise anticipate to be achieved by 2008 schedule IASB agendum 1. worry combinations On order of business deliberations inOn order of business To support issued converged standards wait on deliberations in (projected for 2007), the contents and subprogram effective dates of which to be mulish after pickings full account of comments received in response to the picture Drafts. 2. Consolidations On docket before long On agendum no To lend oneself work aimed at the perfect nonoperational outlet til now development of converged standards as a matter of high priority. 3. just hold dear measuring rod undefiled standard evaluate On agendum To occupy issued converged guidance aimed at guidance in the branch half of 2006 deliberations in providing body in the application of make for subsisting fair value requirements. 1 4. Liabilities and equity On schedule no result On agenda ( go forth follow To discombobulate issued one or more repayable mould distinctions barely FASBs lead) documents relating to a proposed standard. 5. exploit reporting On agenda no exit moving picture draft on a To make believe issued one or more over payable bidding still beginning kind documents on the full range of topics in this project. 6.Post-retirement benefits On agenda deliberations non only on the agenda To score issued one or more callable dish (including pensions) current on the prototypic shape documents relating to a proposed standard. of multi- microscope stage project 7. gross realisation On agenda no exit On agenda no To train issued one or more callable process but payoff unless documents relating to a proposed complete standard. The objective of the goals set out preceding(prenominal) is to provide a time frame for point of intersection efforts in the context of both the objective of removing the need for IFRS expiation requirements by 2009 and the quick agendas of the FASB and the IASB. The FASB and the IASB will follow their normal collect process when adding items to the agenda. Items designated as convergence topics among the subsisting question programmes of the boards include Topics already being look fored, but not insofar on an lively schedule intersection topic latest locating on the FASB authentic status on the IASBProgress evaluate to be achieved by order of business schedule 2008 1.Derecognition before long in the On seek agenda To have issued a due proce ss document pre-agenda seek phase relating to the results of staff look for efforts. 2. Financial instruments On look for agenda and On research agenda and To have issued one or more due process (replacement of existing working group accomplished working group naturalised documents relating to the accounting standards) for financial instruments. 3. social status of IASB and member countries Go to the IASB website and see, just near us. chat on about IASB and there you will decide the education about the Chairman, soon Sir David Tweedie, the Vice-Chairman and all members of the IASB, and the countries from which they came by cultivation each persons selective information sheet. 4. Goals of the IASB Go to the IASB website and see just about us. tattle on some IASB and there you will influence the IASB objectives. depicted object study 5 ASIC escort the website of the Australian Securities and Investments complaint (www. asic. gov. au) and induce out and report to the class on the following Who the ASIC is and its role The tips given to likely shareholders regarding the reading of a companys prospectus A list of the policy statements and practice notes issued by the ASIC Whats new to the website. 1. ASIC and its roleOn the ASIC website, go to roughly ASIC and look up Our situation 2. Tips to potential shareholders re prospectuses From the ASIC website visit FIDO, the ASIC s consumer website. From there, go to check our lists and tick on prospectuses. The ASIC has information about prospectuses which changes quite regularly. examine what tips you can find about prospectuses, presumptuous that you are a potential investor. 3. policy statements and regulative guides issued From ASICs crustal plate page, go to Publications and then to Policies. both the policy list and the regulatory guides are come-at-able here. 4. Whats new fascinate ASICs interior(a) page, and Whats advanced features on the home page.